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Panic/Anxiety Attacks and how I feel

Hey loves!! (Maybe that was weird but weird is how I roll 😎) So in today’s post we are just going to go straight into it.

panic attacks. Infamous. Or anxiety attacks. Both. Horrible. I know many people go through them (including me) but I will be explaining somethings. Panic attacks are usually random while anxiety attacks usually have a trigger. I have both. Most of the time they are anxiety attacks. I‘ll be explaining why. Soon..🤣 (me kind of stalling...) No, I’ll explain. So I am a very insecure person. Yep. VERY. And very anxious and stressed. I’m in middle school, so it’s hard. I’m insecure about both my best friends as we called them x and y, so yeah. They met and now I feel like they like each other more than me. so for me I decide to keep asking them. Because of my STUPID insecurities I have anxiety attacks, let me tell you they are NOT fun. Not getting into TOO much detail because it’s a little scary, but for me it’s almost like the world is collapsing. I can’t hear anything and the world starts crumbling. I start crying and stressing. But that’s why I have a blog now. Also, being in middle school and being a girl there are also “girl problems” if you know what I mean. LOL not explaining more just in case one of my readers doesnf know about that yet. With panic or anxiety attacks, or those stresses about all of your problems it’s like nothing is good for you. I’m here for you. All you have to do is follow the 3-3-3 rule. Name 3 things you see, hear and move three parts of your body. That’s all for today loves!! again weird but you will be hearing that a lot 😅! XOXO,

Relatable life 💕

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