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Therapy (or calming/fun) exercises I use!!

Hey loves! In today’s blog post, I will be talking about a few calming and fun therapeutic exercises that I use. I use these exercises for my anxiety and anxiety attacks, but they really work for any type of stress or problematic feelings you are having: They are amazing!!!

This is gonna be a list, so I will be listing and explaining them!!

  1. Thinking of something happy

This is kind of obvious, but hear me out 😁!! Think of something that makes you happy. For me it’d be my little golden lab or my best friend y!! Think of that one thing, and repeat all of those positive thoughts in your mind. You can even think of these positive things replacing the negative!! This really helps!!!

2. Talk to someone

another really obvious one, but again, listen(or read 😅)!! If you are feeling any anxious or stress feelings, talk to someone you trust. It doesn’t have to be your family necessarily, but it can also be a pet or a trusted friend.

3. Eat 😅😅

This sounds really weird, but some foods can really help you with whatever your feeling. There are some comfort foods which will definitely get all those feelings out of your mind!!

4. Do something that makes you happy.

When I say this, I don’t just mean sleeping or playing video games. Of course those things are options, but there are other things as well. Things that are productive such as walking, going on a hike, running, drawing, cleaning, etc. Those things can really clear your mind from all of those negative thoughts.b

5. (Last one) Write it down

Take a bargain dump, which is otherwise a technique to help you clear your mind. A Brain dump is just everything on your mind on the paper. That’ll definitely help!!

Thats all for today loves! XOXO,

Relatable life 💕

My podcast and details are in announcements!!

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